Tuesday, 4 October 2011

How to be a good friend !

Everyone has  their own best friend included me.  Friend is so important in our life. we need friend when we are in a hard time.There are willing to be with you, kind hearted and except us as their friends.   But how to be a good friend? These are the characteristics that you should have to be a good friend:
  • BE HONEST- be honest to your friend is important because it is hard to trust you if you are not honest to your friends. Do not lie and keep your promises. A good friendship is based on trust, if you break it, it is hard to built the friendship.
  • BE RESPECTFUL-Respect your friends decisions. Except their differences. A good friend is not just have most similarity. It is about how you except each other. Understand them and sometime they need a time to be lonely. Give your friends a space to think.
  • WATCH OUT YOUR FRIEND- If your friend look like under control such as taking drug, stop them. Do not ever assume that they are big enough to think about themselves. Take action and give advise.
  • BE A GOOD LISTENER-Be a good listener to them.You do not have to agree if what they said is true. Just listen what is their opinion and respect it.

Actually, there are any other characteristics to be a good friend but these are the main. To have a good friend must start from yourself.

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."                                   by Dior Yamasaki

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