Wednesday, 21 December 2011


 crying baby is trying to tell you something. Your job is to figure out why your baby is crying and what — if anything — you can do about it.
Consider what your baby couild be thinking:
  • I'm hungry. Most newborns eat every few hours round-the-clock. Some babies become frantic when hunger strikes. They might get so worked up by the time the feeding begins that they gulp air with the milk, which can cause spitting up, trapped gas and more crying. To avoid such frenzy, respond to early signs of hunger. If your baby begins to gulp during the feeding, take a break.
  • I need to burp. During and after each feeding, take time to burp your baby.
  • I'm wet. For some babies, a wet or soiled diaper is a surefire way to trigger tears. Gas or indigestion can have the same effect. Check your baby's diaper often to make sure it's clean and dry.
  • I'm tired. Tired babies are often fussy — and your baby might need more sleep than you think. Newborns often sleep up to 16 hours a day. Some newborns sleep even more.
  • I'd rather be bundled. Some babies feel most secure in a swaddle wrap. Snugly wrap your baby in a receiving blanket or other small, lightweight blanket.
  • I want to move. Sometimes a rocking session or walk through the house is enough to soothe a crying baby. In other cases, a change of position is all that's needed. Keeping safety precautions in mind, try a baby swing or vibrating infant seat. Weather permitting, head outdoors with the stroller. You might even want to buckle up for a ride in the car.
  • I'm lonely. Sometimes simply seeing you, hearing your voice or being cuddled can stop the tears. Gentle massage or light pats on the back might soothe a crying baby, too.
  • I'm hot. A baby who's too hot is likely to be uncomfortable. The same goes for a baby who's too cold. Add or remove a layer of clothing as needed.
  • I want to suck on something. Sucking is a natural reflex. For many babies, it's a comforting, soothing activity. If your baby isn't hungry, try a clean finger or pacifier.
  • I've had enough. Too much noise, movement or visual stimulation might drive your baby to tears. Move to a calmer environment or place your baby in the crib. White noise — such as a recording of ocean waves or the monotonous sound of an electric fan or vacuum cleaner — might help your crying baby relax.
  • It's just that time of day. Many babies have predictable periods of fussiness during the day. This kind of crying can help your baby get rid of excess energy. There may be little you can do but comfort your baby as the crying runs its course.
  • My tummy hurts. If you're breast-feeding your baby, the flavor of the milk might change in response to what you eat and drink. If you suspect that a certain food or drink is making your baby fussier than usual, avoid it for several days to see if it makes a difference.

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