Signs a woman might be interested?
All of the signs below, in isolation, don’t necessarily mean a woman is into you. But as you begin to see several of these signals of interest, you can be certain that, at the very least, you’ve got enough rapport to begin to escalate the conversation to a more intimate level.
1. She is laughing at your jokes, even when they’re not funny
If a girl is being the perfect audience, laughing on cue, egging you on to talk more, and has a big smiled plastered across her face the entire time you’re talking it is a pretty clear indication that she’s enjoying your company.

Just be careful not to confuse true laughter with an “oh my god get me out of here” grin or a nervous giggle.
2. She tells you to take a sip of her drink
This one has been an almost 100% indicator for me over the years that a woman was ready to be kissed.
If you’re at a bar talking to a woman, and she hands you her drink and says something like “Try my drink.” Or if she encourages you in any way to take a sip of her drink, she is unconsciously telling you that she is comfortable with you on a more intimate level. This is a great “little known” how to tell if a girl likes you.
3. She asks you if you have a girlfriend or pries for the information
When a woman is around a man that she is becoming attracted to, she will almost always try to find out if he has a girlfriend.
Most women will flat out ask.
If she doesn’t flat out ask, she’ll most likely ask questions that pry for the information like “Who do you live with?” Or if you just told a story about going on vacation or to a concert, she’ll say “Who did you go with?”
If a woman has no interest in you whatsoever, she very rarely will care whether or not you have a girlfriend.
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