Sunday, 25 September 2011

A Good Teacher.

Today I was thinking alone while laying on my bed. Soon I will be a teacher.I was imagined Have you ever wondered on how to be a good teacher? What should we do ? I think, the first thing we should do is we have to like our role, love being with students and dig a hole in our heart and wish to be the BEST TEACHER !. Patience must have in our personality. We also need to know our students well and they are comfortable to be with us, they enjoy having us as their teacher and look forward to going school each day.We have the ability to bond with our students. We should treat them as an adult not a kid and be a motivator. About lesson, we should be ready before class and make them understand our lesson. Do not be a LAZY TEACHER. We should remember that we are HUMAN ENGINEER!. We teach  and built their behavior.We also should have a positive mental attitude which mean we are be able to think more on the positive and a little less on the negative. To keep a smile on our face when thing get tough.   And the most important thing is be a good Role Model to them.

QUOTE FOR TODAY: A teacher's job is to take a bunch of live wires and see that they are well-grounded.  ~D. Martin